This is the house I grew up in. This is the kitchen that shaped my interest in food and cooking. When we were children, my sister, brother and I would come running in here requesting a cold, freshly squeezed lemonade, a quick snack of spiced, stir fried bread, or a deep fried treat.
Even now, when I smell curry leaves and chilies being tempered in oil, I am transported back to this very kitchen. I’ve already shared with you some our family recipes. Now I invite you to take a peek into my parents’ kitchen in India..
Kamalamma the cook, gets ready to make idiappam or string hoppers made from rice flour. The pantry or store room is stocked with different kinds of rice, lentils, spices and kitchen supplies.
Sacks of short grain rice arrive once or twice a year. The rice is used for boiling, making idlis and dosas, and is also roasted and ground into rice flour.
In parts of India, it is common for the household staff to live with the family. This corridor leads to the back of the house and to the live in maid’s quarters.
My parents always keep a lot of fruit on hand. A huge sack of sweet lime or sathukkudi has just arrived from the market.
This is the back of the house, where all the prep-work, and cleaning happens outdoors.
Outdoor dish washing area – dishes are hand washed and either towel dried or left out in the sun.
Pooja (prayer) items are washed an ready for my brother’s evening prayers. The coconuts, banana, flowers and cup with water are offerings to God. The brass bell is rung to ward off evil spirits.
Part of the dining room, and entrance to the kitchen.
This is the everyday dining room. We have a larger dining area for entertaining guests.
My mother is a near permanent fixture in the dining room..
Now that you’ve seen my parents’ kitchen in India, head over to this post and see my kitchen in the US!

What a lovely kitchen Salaa. Kind of made me all nostalgic and it reminded me of my kitchen in my previous house. And I would like to add one more thing. Your mom is very pretty. She has a great smile
Wowo thankyou for sharing the pictures. And your mom is beautiful and she looks so young.
Loved the tour of the kitchen .
that kitchen you grew up in is ENORMOUS! three of my kitchens could fit in there…wow
Anu Reply:
August 1st, 2011 at 12:29 pm
I agree
BTW your mom looks too young to be your mom..She is beautiful
Wow, look at the size of that kitchen. That is my dream kitchen. In am so Jealous and your own kitchen is gorgeous too and still way bigger than mine. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Wow, such a huge kitchen, which part of India is this? Yes, your mom looks so young!
Sala @ Veggie Belly Reply:
August 1st, 2011 at 8:22 am
this is Tamil Nadu
These pictures transport me back to a most wonderful time in my life!
Strangely, this time corresponds with eating a lot and not gaining weight! Wonderful times indeed.
Sala @ Veggie Belly Reply:
August 1st, 2011 at 9:20 am
so true!
Wow! So interesting! Thanks for sharing!
Your house is amazing, i wish i could have a kitchen as awesome as yours.
I love your blog! its just so interesting and fascinating!
Thank you for sharing your Mother’s lovely kitchen back in India! Got me all nostalgic about my Mom’s!
And your Mother, she looks so young and fresh and pretty!
It is the coolest thing to see pictures from another country and culture! Thank you for sharing your family’s home and traditions!
Beautiful kitchen. This reminds me of my grandmother’s house. Having grown up watching them cook, any dish or any flavor that would waft through my kitchen air will transport me to my grandmother’s home.
PS: And your mom, she looks so pretty and young!!
Fascinating peek into your family’s home – thank you for sharing it!
The photos remind me of all the good old times we had during childhood when we used to run around in Madurai at my grand parents house..
Lovely post Sala..
I am reminded of my grand dad’s house in Mysore, about 100 ft long with long corridors, a central well and backyard and the brass bell. Oh, how I love the rythmic sound of it.. Your post made me nostalgic and suddenly home sick for all the yummy food I can’t have here..
And, now we know who your smile comes from
Thanks for taking us inside your parents’ home! A fabulous kitchen, it looks so well-used and loved, unlike the picture perfect one sees in magazines.
your mom is gorgeous and looks SO YOUNG!! I thought she was your cousin sister or something, when I first saw the pic
lovely pics as always, Sala!
Wow – cant imagine such a huge kitchen in India! Growing up in Mumbai, sq footage was a luxury. Lovely kitchen, lovely house and beautiful mom!!
Thats a beautiful kitchen. And your mother has a very pretty smile.
This is one gorgeous kitchen and reminds me of home.
Your Mom looks young and pretty.
I love seeing other people’s kitchens, where all the magic happens. It’s like getting a snapshot of their personality and their history. Thanks so much for sharing. I loved the reference to your own home kitchen too!
Wow, both kitchens are wonderful! So much space, especially in your mom’s house. By the way, your mother is very beautiful! I can see where you get your good looks
such a pretty kitchen, and a very homey tour, took me back to my kitchen in india…your mom is so pretty
This is such a great post with awesome photos– thank you for sharing
It’s cool to see what other people’s kitchens are like, esp. when they are in a different part of the world.
amazing! ur mother is beautiful indeed!
Love seeing this peek into your childhood home — your mom is beautiful as are you
Sala, what an incredible glimpse into your family, your past, and your home. I am so intrigued and want to come visit right away! I can only imagine the incredibly delicious things coming out of that kitchen. And your mom – so incredibly beautiful. Thanks for a moment away…
What a lovely looking home! And Sala…your mom looks more like a sister and not a mom!!! I love the size of the kitchen!
Lovely kitchen and its full of spices! I would love to cook there too!
Beautiful kitchen! I can only imagine all the delicious meals you’ve had in it!
Hey Sala.. Love all the pics each and every post. Will try the recipes soon.
And btw is that really ur mother? she looks as if she is ur elder sister.. She is very beautiful.
hi , I just came across these photos while idle surfing. they are extremely nice photos, thanks for posting….. I love south indian households….. i feel nostalgic……
Just stopped in for your ghee recipe and checked out your photos of your childhood home. Looks cozy, warm, and I bet it smells GREAT
Nice home..Is that your Mom?.It thought its you ! She looks very young and pretty..