Whenever I buy fresh spring peas in their pods, I always think of what peas and pods signify. Peas in their pods are beautiful things - six or seven tender little peas, all snuggled up safely inside the comfort of their pod. An expectant mother carrying a child, close friends, a couple living together – all peas in a pod, enjoying their togetherness.
My husband, when he is in a romantic mood will calls us ‘two peas in a pod’. How appropriate. Two of us, living together and going through the journey of life together. Just like peas in a pod.
If you have never tried fresh peas, now is the time. Fresh green peas are in season during the spring. They are really easy to shell and cook. Fresh shelled peas are so tender, you don’t need to cook them more than 4 minutes max. In a pinch, frozen peas will be good substitute.
Fresh Pea and Mint Soup Recipe
serves about 2
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 small onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, peeled
2 cups fresh, shelled peas (substitute with frozen peas)
1 1/2 cups whole milk (more for thinner soup)
1 cup fresh mint leaves
freshly cracked black pepper
Heat oil in a pan and add onion. Cook on medium heat for about 2 minutes or till the onions are transluscent. Add the garlic pods and cook 1 more minutes. Add peas and saute for about 2 minutes. Add milk and salt. Simmer for 3-4 minutes or till the peas are cooked. Pour the milk and peas mixture into a blender. Add mint leaves to the blender. Blend soup as chunky or smooth as you like. (Be careful when putting hot liquids in a blender – always vent the blender lid). Serve soup with freshly cracked black pepper.

I love your cute little pea faces, and your husband sounds like a sweetheart!
What a simple and refreshing recipe! and the ‘him’ and ‘her’ peas are cute.
this looks great somewhat middle-eastern with the mint in the soup.
A delightfully spring-like soup! I love the pictures and the pretty bowl!
The vibrant green color of your soup is a feast for the eyes!
I always end up buying sugar snap peas because you can eat them whole and don’t have to deal with shelling them…but I know one of these days I should buy the other kind!
This looks a lot like a soup my grandpa used to make every Christmas, but now that I think about it, I’m sure he used frozen peas (it was December after all). I think I’ll like this version more!
The two peas in the pod sure look like they are made for each other!!.
Refreshing soup!! and pretty bowl!.
This is exactly the soup I wanted to have last night except I didn’t have peas (I had just abt a quarter cup of frozen peas)…
Is that you & S?
I loved the cute couple that you drew on the peas…
Sala @ Veggie Belly Reply:
April 20th, 2010 at 1:41 am
yes, thats supposed to be the two of us. but is unhappy that his hair was not portrayed accurately
I love pea soup – but when I have fresh, in-season peas, I eat them raw straight from the pod!
Mmmm fresh peas! I love everything about this recipe and your beautiful photos–thanks.
I used to have two little soup mugs that looked exactly like the crock you used! Sadly, I broke one, lost the other… sigh… do you remember where you got yours?
Sala @ Veggie Belly Reply:
April 20th, 2010 at 1:39 am
oh no! sorry you broke/lost yours
I got this one at a consignment store near washington DC..
Lovely soup!!! I like the idea of ‘two peas in a pod’:)
Look at the fresh green color. I so want to grab that bowl
me and my best friend were always called 2 peas in a pod. she’s in India and I dont see her often now
Coming to the soup…love the peas raw but never tried pea soup. I just dread that it may give me a stomachache. What does it taste like though? Is it sweet like the sweet corn soup?
Sala @ Veggie Belly Reply:
April 20th, 2010 at 1:38 am
It is slightly sweet, creamy and minty. Are you worried about eating raw peas? because this recipe involves cooking the peas..
Ritesh Reply:
April 21st, 2010 at 11:14 am
I guess thats what it is. Its just something thats stuck with me since childhood. I used to love eating raw peas and my mum would always say “Don’t eat too much or you’ll get a stomachache(especially for the bigger more ripe peas)”. hmmm…you got me thinking.
nothing like fresh peeled peas. and I love the way you look at it – a close family… sweet.
Looks SO fresh! as usual awesome pictures
loved the girl & boy pea twins!
So great to come across another vegetarian blog. Beautiful pics – cant wait to see the rest of your recipes.
Peas with mint — a great spring combination. Your soup looks pretty and simple!
What great pictures of the soup you have, great quality And exceptional way of presenting food. I loved the recipe just by the pics.
I have never liked pea soup somehow, but looking at this pictures, I think I am ready to try it! I love pictures and recipes here on your blog. I have linked to 2 of your recipe on my recent post. FYI. Have been a lurker here for some time, first time posting.
Ooooooh cute peas in the shell.. lovely pictures..
I never seem to be able to use my herbs before they go bad. Definitely will make this next time I have mint on hand
Hubby grew peas in the garden last year and only got one portion out of all his hard labour because I ate them all straight off the plant. I can’t help it! We were definitely not two peas in a pod about it.
This year he’s growing 4 times as many plants, so just maybe we’ll get around to trying out this soup!
Recipe looks lovely and sounds right up my alley… what originally caught my eye though was the Soup, Soup, Soup… bowls. I had these growing up. My mother continues to use them for her soup. Thanks – made the recipe extra comforting