I have a red kitchen. I love warm colors, I just cant help it. Reds and oranges are my the favorite section of any paint shop color deck. After much vacillation last year, we decided to go with a brickish red paint for the kitchen walls. Its not a crazy, danger sign kind of red. But a rich, warm red. I dont actually have a lot of wall space in the kitchen, so there isnt a lot of red either. The color red increases metabolism, so I think its very apt for the kitchen! Also, the kitchen is my favorite part of the house. Visitors seem to be gravitated to my red kitchen. No matter how many people we have over, everyone seems to congregate in the kitchen.
I took these pictures over the weekend to show you where all the cooking, eating, entertaining and so much more happen..
I would have liked darker cabinets and floors, but I’m not complaining as long as the walls are red.
We have some what of an open plan. This is the view of the living room from the kitchen. I love that we have gas burners, they heat up so much quicker and more evenly than electric.
We eat on the island. The swivelling bar stool type chairs are S’s favorite. I love that the stove is on the island; that frees up a lot of counter space. But see how the microwave is sitting on the counter? And the space meant for the microwave under the cabinets has spices in it? We bought the wrong size microwave, it doesn’t fit in the space meant for it.
See the square green scotch brite sponge cloth by the left side of the sink? My grandmother introduced me to those; they are super absorbant and great for cleaning surfaces. To disinfect them (or any non-metallic sponge), just pop the sponge in the microwave for 1 minute.
The pantry. My friend’s 3 year old walked into this pantry and said “you have a pretty interesting fridge”.
That dent on the wall near the pantry is a long story. Its too embarrassing to explain. But let me just say that it was caused by an air borne sauce pan You are free to guess the rest.
Incase you are wondering why we havent fixed it: a)we arent handy like that. b)we can live with a little dent in the wall. c)we are waiting for some good soul (aka, my father in law) to offer to fix it.
See the trash can on the floor at the end of the counter? Even though I keep a trash can in the kitchen, I prefer to hang a plastic bag near the counter. As I’m prepping and cooking, the trash goes in the plastic bag. When I’m done, I tied up the plastic bag and put it in the kitchen trash can.
A bottle of room freshener is permanently stationed near the trash can. We spray the kitchen trash can. So in my house, vegetable peel smells like apple cinnamon febreze.
Dining area of the kitchen. We are still using folding chairs because I hate shopping and I’m putting off buying dining chairs for as long as I can.
This is the ‘transaction’ area of the dining table. This is the spot where we leave each other money, notes, lists etc. There is a designated area in the house for this stuff, but somehow it lands up on the dining table.