This giveaway has ended, winner announced here
Marx Foods is offering a great opportunity for Veggie Belly readers to win 2 lbs of FRESH morel mushrooms!
This years Morel season has been fantastic! And one of YOU can win a huge load of these amazing mushrooms. Morel season is very short, so dont miss this chance!
All you have to do to enter is one or more of the following:
- ‘Like’ Veggie Belly on Facebook, then leave a comment here saying you did
- Follow Veggie Bely on Twitter, then leave a comment here saying you did
- Leave a comment here saying what you will make with the morel mushrooms if you won them!
Do all 3 and you will have 3 chances to win!
If you are already following Veggie Belly on Twitter and/or Facebook, just say so in your comment!
If you dont have a blog through which I can contact you if you are the winner, make sure to leave an email address!
Deadline: 9pm EST Saturday, June 26th 2010
US readers only
One random winner will be picked on Saturday, June 26th 2010
I’m a huge fan of morel mushrooms. Check out my recipes for
fiddlehead fern and morel mushroom pasta
crispy polenta with morel mushroom and broccoli
Also check out the sponsors of this giveaway, Marx Foods, on facebook or twitter

Yup! I follow you on twitter now.. Plzzz throw those morels towards me!!
I already follow you on twitter
Love Marx Foods and morel mushrooms. I’d simply saute them in butter and add to potatoes or fish or chicken.
OOOOH! I’d make leek and morel lasagna with white sauce!
Following you on Twitter!
I’ve never cooked with morels at all, so it will be quite exciting if I win this!
I think I would serve them with fresh pasta in a brown butter sauce…mmm
Yum! I’d definitely make something with morels and polenta–something so good about that combo!
I follow you on Twitter.
I love morels so much I want to marry them! If I win this, I would roast them, serve with a lovely sauce of shallots, white wine, fresh herbs, and serve over some toasted crusty bread drizzled with olive oil and rubbed with a cut garlic clove. Yum! Hold me back!
Morels are so delicious! So sad I don’t live in the US…
I would love to win some mushrooms! I have followed you on FB.
Also, if I win the ‘shrooms, I will incorporate them into a creamy pasta dish. I’ll also use some in soup.
I think am a fan of Veggiebelly in FB and real and follow you in twitter and everywhere..:)
But I havent tried this morel mushroom ever,and not sure what I’l do with it..Well..will figure it out..;)
Clicked like on facebook, mushrooms sound very interesting
I am a huge fan of your website, follow you on twitter and think I’ll make a truffle oil/lemon/sage sauce to go with orchetta and the morels
Yes…I was thinking to cook some fresh morel mushrooms with some butter and herbs if I do win. Thanks
I “liked” you on Facebook
I’m following you on facebook! I love your blog. I think I would probably make a nice yummy mushroom risotto!
I didn’t know you were on facebook. I love your site. It’s beautiful. The recipes are way too hard for me but I still try it once in awhile but I visit your site daily.
Mmm, I’ve never had these before! I’d probably cook them with butternut squash, sage, brown butter sauce, and pasta. But I’d be open to other suggestions, too!
Oh, and I just “liked” you on Facebook, too
I would sneak into my kitchen at midnight, pan fry them in butter, toss in some pasta & eat em all!!!!!!!!!! Won’t feel guilty for not sharing either!
excited about the possiblity of winning morels! would savor EACH one!
kendell youngs Reply:
June 22nd, 2010 at 7:59 am
do you still need my email since it was required to post?? not sure about listing it in the ‘open’……and do not follow facebook or twitter (sorry). please let me know…
Sala @ Veggie Belly Reply:
June 22nd, 2010 at 9:43 am
No. I got your email with the comment, thanks:) You are entered!
Mmmmmm…. I am thinking that they would go perfectly with some freshly made pasta, a little butter and herbs. Generous dusting of pepper.
Also, I am following you on twitter!
I follow you on Twitter, and now on Facebook as well. Hmm… Morel Mushrooms? Well, Mushrooms risotto w/ truffle oil and parmesan reggiano is good, but I’m sure many will suggest that. I do make a shiitake/bok choi consume, and would love to try it with morels. Or add them to a pasta, with pancetta, a couple capers, and a light cream sauce w/ some Orvieto wine. The more I type, the more ideas will come to me.
I’ve never eaten morels! I’d probably start out really basic, with butter, salt and pepper. Then maybe I’d move up to using them with some tender red meat. Bison, maybe.
I liked you on FB!!!! Sure wish they’d get that “Love” button up and running!
“liked” on Facebook!!! Love your website!
Following you on Twitter!!!
I follow you on twitter! And I’ve got big plans for a quiche
I’ll make a ridiculously rich cream of mushroom soup; I’ll blend half the mushrooms with the cream and leave the others in larger pieces for some texture. Top with a tiny bit of finely chopped parsley for color and serve with some day-old sourdough toasted under the broiler. Yum!
I would saute them in butter, with shallots and parsley, and eat them as a main dish. My son, whom I live with, will not eat mushrooms, so Mom gets them all! Nom!
I would love to make several dishes for my husband and myself. Pasta comes to mind, as does a fantastic sauteed morel side dish for a grilled NY Strip steak.
This year, my family and I found only ten morels in hours upon hours of foraging. Hoping to have better luck next year!
I used to get Morels all the time when I lived in Ohio…. Now not so much. I would love to cook with them now that I am vegan!
I’ll start following your blog with bloglines. I need to learn how to use veggies better and this is a good start with morels
I’m a fan on twitter and now on FB too!
I would love to toss these morels on top of some Gardein “chick’n” breasts and make a creamy, lemony, garlic-white wine sauce to go with. With some nice sauteed greens on the side. Yum!
I’d fry them up in butter and serve with polenta. Yum.
I’m following you on twitter! Have been wanting to get my hands on some fresh fungi since recently completing Omnivore’s Dilemma!
You really can’t beat cheesy polenta with pan seared morels in a spicy scallion sauce. Yum!
I would make fresh pappardelle with morels and asparagus. YUM.
I liked veggie belly on facebook…
I follow you on twitter! Morel’s are such a coveted item in our family – my Grandfather used to pick them himself but now that we’re all in urban areas we have to hunt them down in different ways. We would LOVE to have some this year! I would just saute them and eat them as a side…they are too tasty to add to anything else, in my book!
following on twitter too!
“Liked” on Facebook!
2 pounds of morels would be such a luxury! I think I’d make a creamy pasta dish, and also a morel ragu to serve over buttered toasted baguette.
Now following your tweets!
I’d make morel cupcakes, of course!
Followed on Twitter… I had about a half pound of morels that I picked up from a local farmer’s market a couple of weeks ago, which I froze for future use. When the storms hit the Chicago area this past weekend, we were without power for a couple of days and I lost them! Sure could use some reinforcements so I can make morel custard… or maybe dauphinois potatoes with morels…
Mushroom risotto!
I’d give them to my mom, because she grew up eating them and thinks they’re a real treat.
liked veggie belly! want morels! MMM!
I would love to win mushrooms!! I would cook them with eggs…breakfast for dinner for sure!
I follow you on Twitter! @KitchenTravels
I like you on FB!
Two whole pounds?! Let’s see… I would think about making morel ravioli, sauteed morels over creamy polenta or in a phyllo napoleon, dried morels for morel powder… YUM.
I can’t follow you until I get home from work as they don’t allow me on my facebook or twitter BUT I will follow you. I’ll hunt you down for your secret hiding place where you get these morels!! I’ll stalk you if I don’t win these 2 lbs. of morels!!! I have been morel hunting for the last 4 years and I have NOT found one single morel yet. I WANT THESE TASTEY MORELS and I WILL FOLLOW YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH TO STEAL THEM FROM YOU!!! well, just kidding. sorta? I think since you know your stuff I’d probably try one of your tried and true morel recipes so I don’t ruin the rascals being that they’re so precious. OMG GIVE ME THESE MORELS!!!! I WANNA WIN!!!
I’m a new follower of your blog. Tried a couple of your recipes and they turned out fantastic!
Keep up the good work.
BTW, I also ‘Like’ you on FB.
Mushrooms are probably my favorite ‘vegetable’. I try to add it to everything, but my favorite is a paneer and mushroom tandoori stir fry.
If I win, I would make a delicious omelet!
Added you to FB
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Tempura Crab Stuffed Morels
I’ll keep it simple: with Morels, I like to sautee them in an excessive amount of butter, making both buttery sauteed morels to serve with pasta, as well as a whole lot of morel-butter that can be used to toss veggies, pasta, spread on bread, etc
I “liked” veggie belly on facebook!
and now I’m following you on twitter!
I would love to win this giveaway. I haven’t had a morel in over five years! I would probably saute the morels with a sherry-parsley cream sauce ladle it over some angel hair pasta.
Following you on twitter!
Facebook too!
Wow, what I couldn’t do with 2 pounds of morels. Like invite my brotherinlaw over who has made breakfast for me numerous times from this morsels in Virginia. No chance of finding them here in FL.
Hmm, I’d want to make either morel filled ravioli or a mushroom soup! (One of the nicer restaurants in my area makes a lovely mushroom soup – it’s so earthy – I’m totally addicted)
I follow you on Twitter, and now on Facebook as well. Hmm… Morel Mushrooms? I thought about using them on pasta with a fresh marinara sauce or light cream sauce and a drizzle of black truffle oil.
Hey, yes, got it!
I have never had the pleasure of tasting a morel mushroom, but I’m thinking that perhaps it would be tasty in a risotto. Yes?
Liked~! I’m thinking morel ravioli or suffed morels or morel bisque…I sound like bubba from forrest gump, but with mushrooms instead of shrimp! mmmm.
“Like” on Facebook. Love morels – didn’t get many here this year.
I link to you from my blog and follow your posts, so I’m happy to “like” you on facebook as well.
I’d make fresh ricotta-stuffed morel mushrooms lightly battered and fried.
sounds delicious
Ready For Those Morels
if those morels were ever to pass my way, there would be a butter poached ribeye involved, with a smoked shallot morel butter, and serve it over papparadelle with charred ramps, lardons of pancetta, sauteed morels and a little riesling……………
I love morels but I haven’t had any in years! I would definitely whip up some pasta and lasagna. My local supermarkets don’t stock morels. I want to win!!!!
Cook them up with a little garlic butter and heaven awaits.
I’m not the chef in our family, but I love mushroom and pasta dishes – maybe a mushroom stroganoff!
I like Veggie Belly on Facebook as Jenny Bolech
I’m following VeggieBelly on Twitter as JennyBolech
I would also make a morel and asparagus quiche!
I just liked you on Facebook!
If I won 2 lbs of Morel Mushrooms, I would first give a bunch of them to my mom who loves them dearly but has been unable to go find any this year. Then, I would serve them plainly cooked with butter, or in pasta, or in risotto…I’d probably have a morel party to celebrate the bounty!
Now following Veggie Belly on Twitter (@cechandler)
Just ‘liked’ Veggie Belly on Facebook!!! This is an amazing giveaway
I “liked” you on Facebook.
(Fresh morels are very exciting — I usually cook with reconstituted dry ones since I don’t see fresh morels where I am very often).
Following you on Twitter, now.
Also added you to Google Reader since that’s the easiest way for me to keep track of food bloggedy goodness.
If I won, I would make “Creamy Scrambled Eggs with Morels & Chives” and “Morel and Pea Saute” from Stonewall Kitchen’s Harvest cookbook.
Veggie Belly – great site! Delicious sounding recipes, can’t wait to try – want to make
Morel soup, or just saute them in butter!
LIKE Veggie Belly! LIKE Morels! Eat’um up, Eat’um up!